A cost-effective way of having a new company van would be to get it on a lease or contract hire basis, everything you need to do is to acquire entirely comprehensive van insurance and off you go!
At presennt, several business enterprises decide upon this approach because it avoids a huge expense of working capital to pay for a new van straight up plus the regular rental can be significantly lower priced than choosing hire purchase. You can usually choose a maintained package designed to handle road tax and servicing. You will find that most leasing companies would also offer you a rate for van insurance but, as with most things, it is highly useful to shop around as they are not always by far the most competitive.
Leasing a van as a substitute for purchasing one alsohas the extra advantage that at the end of your concurred term you may hand the van back and acquire a nice, shiny new one with the new term. But, if you hire purchase a van when you wish to get a substitute for it you may have to consider clearing off any existing finance and settling a considerable trade-in rate.
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van insurance
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